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Curatorial Program for Research: Dimming the Northern Lights





Reykjavik, Tórshavn, Tromsø, Boden, Luleå, Hyrynsalmi, Helsinki

August, 2018


This participation was possible with the generous support of Iaspis / The Swedish Arts Grants Comitee Visitor Expert Programme 



Moving further away from the dominant capitals, our upcoming nomadic residency program: CPR 2018: Dimming the Northern Lights will offer curators the chance to explore remote spaces and times. Our sixth Core Program will visit a collection of art scenes with peculiar situations that will address the complex subject of integration. Social integration stands for the act of incorporating individuals from different groups into a society as equals, while behavioral integration is when an individual stands in harmony with the environment. 


CPR 2018: Dimming the Northern Lights will tackle these two sides of integration.

We will challenge ideas of social integration through the following questions: How do these distant, insular societies deal with integration? What is their relationship with their past? Are native communities fully integrated into the local art scene? How have small towns received and integrated the recent waves of refugees? To exam behavioral integration, we pose questions related to the individual and the environment: What are the local communities relationships with nature? How do these progressive societies integrate the issues of mining, fossil fuel, oil exploitation and weapon exports, with their dedication to sustainability and persistent recycling?


These are all complex, yet impending questions that will drive the group towards the main questions behind CPR 2018: Dimming the Northern Lights: Does integration really work? How are these two types of integration alive in the local art scenes? We will attempt to answer these questions during the four weeks traveling through Reykjavik, Tórshavn, Tromsø, Bonen, Luleå, Hyrynsalmi, and Helsinki.


Captura de pantalla 2019-05-08 a la(s) 1
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